T minus 10!

HOLY MACKEREL! Ten days! What seemed forever away is now a mere 10 days hence. I've been busy. It takes a lot of planning to be out for this many days. The show must go on, even if i'm not here, and so for the last few weeks my brain has been a swirling haze of ideas and concepts that either need to be taught because they're part of the curriculum, or should be taught because hey, your teacher only goes to Antarctica once and he better teach you something about it. To be totally honest, prior to being selected as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow I knew very little about the place. Sure, I had the basics down - it has as lot of penguin action going on, its wicked cold there, storms are insane, people who go there sometimes die, etc. In fact, when I saw it on the list of places to go, I checked it off in a 'man, i'll never actually go there myself, that would be pretty wild if they sent me there' sort of way. When National Geographic and Lindbla...